• Physical constraints and biological regulations underlie universal osmoresponses
    Yiyang Ye, Qirun Wang, Jie Lin
    bioRxiv, 2024,

  • Buffering effects of nonspecifically DNA-bound RNA polymerases in bacteria
    Yichen Yan, Tairan Li, Jie Lin
    Physical Review Research, 6, 033133, 2024

  • Homeostasis of mRNA concentrations through coupling transcription, export, and degradation
    Qirun Wang, Jie Lin
    iScience, 27 (8), 110531, 2024

  • Heterogeneous elasticity drives ripening and controls bursting kinetics of transcriptional condensates
    Lingyu Meng, Sheng Mao, Jie Lin
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 121 (12), e2316610121, 2024

  • Fingering instability accelerates population growth of a proliferating cell collective
    Yiyang Ye, Jie Lin
    Physical Review Letters, 132, 018402, 2024 (Editors' Suggestion & On the Cover)

  • 2023

  • Diffusion enhancement in bacterial cytoplasm through an active random force
    Lingyu Meng, Yiteng Jin, Yichao Guan, Jiayi Xu, Jie Lin
    Physical Review Research, 5, L032018, 2023

  • Implications of differential size-scaling of cell-cycle regulators on cell size homeostasis
    Xiangrui Ji, Jie Lin
    PLOS Computational Biology, 19, 1-24, 2023

  • Cell Size: Putting scaling laws on a physical foundation
    Yiyang Ye, Jie Lin
    eLife, 12, e89415, 2023

  • Indissoluble biomolecular condensates via elasticity
    Lingyu Meng, Jie Lin
    Physical Review Research, 5, L012024, 2023

  • 2022

  • Environment-specificity and universality of the microbial growth law
    Qirun Wang, Jie Lin
    Communications Biology, 5, 891, 2022

  • Modeling the aging of protein condensates
    Jie Lin
    Physical Review Research, 4, L022012, 2022

  • Coupling between DNA replication, segregation, and the onset of constriction in Escherichia coli
    Sriram Tiruvadi-Krishnan, Jaana Männik, Prathitha Kar, Jie Lin, Ariel Amir, Jaan Männik
    Cell Reports, 38, 110539, 2022

  • 2021

  • Heterogeneous recruitment abilities to RNA polymerases generate nonlinear scaling of gene expression with cell volume
    Qirun Wang, Jie Lin
    Nature Communications, 12, 6852, 2021

  • Disentangling intrinsic and extrinsic gene expression noise in growing cells
    Jie Lin, Ariel Amir
    Physical Review Letters, 126, 078101, 2021

  • 2020

  • Evolution of microbial growth traits under serial dilution
    Jie Lin, Michal Manhart, Ariel Amir
    Genetics, 215, 767-777, 2020

  • From single-cell variability to population growth
    Jie Lin, Ariel Amir
    Physical Review E, 101, 012401, 2020

  • 2019

  • Optimal segregation of proteins: phase transitions and symmetry breaking
    Jie Lin, Jiseon Min, Ariel Amir
    Physical Review Letters, 122, 068101, 2019

  • 2018

  • Homeostasis of protein and mRNA concentrations in growing cells
    Jie Lin, Ariel Amir
    Nature Communications, 9, 4496, 2018

  • Modeling cell size regulation: From single-cell level statistics to molecular mechanisms and population-level effects
    Po-Yi Ho, Jie Lin, Ariel Amir
    Annual Review of Biophysics, 47, 2018

  • Microscopic processes controlling the Herschel-Bulkley exponent
    Jie Lin, Matthieu Wyart
    Physical Review E, 97, 012603, 2018

  • 2017

  • The effects of stochasticity at the single-cell level and cell size control on the population growth
    Jie Lin, Ariel Amir
    Cell Systems, 5(4):358-367, 2017

  • Scaling description of non-local rheology
    Thomas Gueudre, Jie Lin, Alberto Rosso, Matthieu Wyart
    Soft Matter 13 (20), 3794-3801, 2017

  • Universal scaling of the stress-strain curve in amorphous solids
    Jie Lin, Wen Zheng
    Physical Review E, 96 (3), 033002, 2017

  • 2016

  • Evidence for marginal stability in emulsions
    Jie Lin, Ivane Jorjadze, Lea-Laetitia Pontani, Matthieu Wyart, and Jasna Brujic
    Physical Review Letters, 117, 208001, 2016

  • Mean-field description of plasticity in amorphous solids
    Jie Lin, Matthieu Wyart
    Physical Review X, 6, 011005, 2016

  • 2015

  • Criticality in the approach to failure in granular materials and amorphous solids
    Jie Lin, Thomas Gueudre, Alberto Rosso, Matthieu Wyart
    Physical Review Letters, 115, 168001, 2015

  • 2014

  • Scaling description of the yielding transition in soft amorphous solids at zero temperature
    Jie Lin, Edan Lerner, Alberto Rosso, Matthieu Wyart
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (40) 14382-14387, 2014

  • On the density of shear transformation zones in amorphous solids
    Jie Lin, Alaa Sadde, Edan Lerner, Alberto Rosso, Matthieu Wyart
    EPL (Europhysics Letters), 105, 26003, 2014