2018.11.05 Mass Spectrometry-based Omics Technologies in Life Science: Basic Research and Applications

2020-05-11 06:33:57



    目:Mass Spectrometry-based Omics Technologies in Life Science: Basic Research and Applications

报告人:Professor Catherine C.L. Wong (黄超兰教授)





主持人:宋晨 研究员



  Mass spectrometry has been developed to become a unique technology after a century of continuous innovation. It has been applied to a wide range of researches. The discovery of electrospray (ESI) and MALDI ionization methods allowed mass spectrometry to leap out of traditional physical chemistry into biology. The complex organism itself and the multivariate research scope of modern biology provide the unquestionable space of technological innovation for the development of mass spectrometry technology. At the same time, it also makes the biology research more thorough and extensive. In recent years, "precision medicine" has become one of the hot spots of global attention and provides a new direction and model for future biomedical research. Mass spectrometry-based multi-omics technology will play even more important role in discovery of accurate biomarkers for early diagnosis, pathological classification, and physio-biological mechanisms. This presentation will illustrate the cutting-edge mass spectrometry technologies we are developing and their contributions and applications in the life sciences.



  黄超兰教授2003年在香港大学取得博士,专业攻读质谱机理,研究多肽的质谱气相热动学及其裂解途径。2005-2007年,为美国斯克里普斯研究所(The Scripps Research Institute ) John R Yates教授实验室访问学者、博士后研究员,开始从事基于质谱的蛋白质组学前沿新技术和方法的研究开发工作。2007年,留任斯克里普斯研究所。20131月受中科院人才招聘回国,参与中科院国家蛋白质科学中心的建设。2014年获选为“中科院引进杰出技术人才”。2017年被引进北大医学部,组建北京大学医学部精准医疗多组学研究中心,担任中心主任。黄教授从事质谱技术及基于质谱的蛋白质组学在基础研究和临床研究的方法学开发。发表研究论文65篇(其中归国后2015-2017年发表25篇),包括 Science, Nature Method, Nature CommunicationPLoS Biology, PNAS and Molecular CellEMBOJ等,H-指数为28