2017.07.10 Biological networks at atomic resolution

2020-05-11 05:49:57







题 目: Biological networks at atomic resolution

报告人:Dr. Yu Xia

Associate Professor of Bioengineering at McGill University

时 间: 2017-07-10 (周一)13:30-14:30

地 点:北京大学老化学楼东配楼一层101报告厅

主持人: 汤超 教授

摘 要:

  Systems biology aims to build a working model of the cell by first mapping the network of interactions among proteins and other biomolecules in the cell.  While highly successful, this networkbased view of the cell often treats biomolecules and their interactions as nodes and edges with little atomic details.  Such details are important because atomic-level changes in the molecular circuitry can lead to large differences in cell behavior, as often happens in evolution and disease.  Here, I will present recent work on constructing genomescale structural models of nodes and edges within proteinprotein interaction networks, in order to probe design principles of proteins and protein networks at the atomic level.  I will show that this structural systems biology approach provides useful insights in evolutionary biophysics, species interaction, human disease, and multicellular complexity.


  Yu (Brandon) Xia is an Associate Professor of Bioengineering at McGill University, where he holds a Tier-1 Canada Research Chair in Computational and Systems Biology.  He graduated from Peking University with B.S. in Chemistry (major) and Computer Science (minor).  He received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Stanford University specializing in computational structural biology with Michael Levitt, and carried out postdoctoral research in bioinformatics with Mark Gerstein at Yale University.  Prior to joining McGill, he was an Assistant Professor of Bioinformatics and Chemistry at Boston University. His research uses computation to probe design principles of proteins and protein networks in health and disease.