2015-10-18 16:58:58


Phone: (010) 62751738
E-mail: long.qian@pku.edu.cn

Research Assistant, 
Center for Quantitative Biology, PKU



B.S., Peking University, 2008; 

Ph.D., New York University, 2014.





Research interests:

We seek to understand biological evolution by a nonequilibrium thermodynamic approach. Specifically, we are interested in solving the evolutionary trajectories of complex biological systems including regulatory networks, linked genetic information, and in general any natural or synthetic cellular programs involving large degrees of freedom.

Academic experiences:

2014-2018: Postdoctoral research associate, New York University, NY;

2018-present: Research assistant, Center for Quantitative Biology, Peking University.

Selected publications:

Qian L and Kussell E. Genome-wide motif statistics are shaped by DNA binding proteins over evolutionary time scales. Physical Review X 6, 041009 (2016).

Qian L and Kussell E. Evolutionary dynamics of restriction site avoidance. Physical Review Letters 108: 158105 (2012).

Pleska M, Qian L, Okura R, Bergmiller T, Wakamoto Y, Kussell E, and Guet CC. Bacterial autoimmunity due to a restriction-modification system. Current Biology 26(3): 404-409 (2016).