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How old are you, really? The answer is written on your face


Quantitative Biology 2021: Aging and Rejuvenation (July 15-16, 2021, Beijing)


We are currently recruiting highly motivated postdocs, technologists and interns with computational and/or experimental experiences.


Jing-Dong Jackie Han's Lab, Center for Quantitative Biology, Peking University. Beijing, 100871, P.R. China.


Kindly forward your application to

Welcome to the Han Lab!

Our research is focused on three areas: 1) Integration of genomic and functional genomics data to formulate biological hypotheses for human disease-related processes. 2) Understanding complex human diseases through structure, dynamics and function of disease-related networks. 3) Genetic robustness or fail-safe mechanisms engineered to genetic networks. Using data-mining, statistics approaches and network theories, we first try to generate biological hypotheses and computational models, and then use molecular biology, cell biology and systems biology approaches to validate and refine models and hypotheses.

New Publications

  1. Wanyu Tao, Zhengqing Yu, Jing-Dong J. Han*. Single-cell senescence identification reveals senescence heterogeneity, trajectory, and modulators. Cell Metabolism, Apr 2024.
  2. Xinyu Yang, Runhan Li, Xindi Yang, Yong Zhou, Yi Liu, Jing-Dong J. Han*. Coordinate-wise monotonic transformations enable privacy-preserving age estimation with 3D face point cloud. Science China, Apr 2024.
  3. Dawei Meng,Shiqiang Zhang, Yuanfang Huang, Kehang Mao, Jing-Dong J. Han*. Application of AI in biological age prediction. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, Feb 2024.
  4. Xueqing Wang, Quanlong Jiang, Hongdao Zhang, Zhidong He, Yuanyuan Song, Yifan Chen, Na Tang, Yifei Zhou, Yiping Li, Adam Antebi, Ligang Wu, Jing-Dong J. Han*, Yidong Shen*. Nature Communications, Feb 2024.
  5. Jing-Dong J. Han*. The ticking of aging clocks. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, Oct 2023.