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Predicting kinase functional sites using hierarchical stochastic language modelling STATISTICS AND ITS INTERFACE.

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Astrocytes Express N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Subunits in Development.

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Key Residues that Play a Critical Role in Urea-Induced Lysozyme Unfolding.

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Combinatorial regulation of transcription factors and microRNAs.

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A folding "framework structure" of Tetrahymena group I intron.

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Smoothing molecular interactions: The "kinetic buffer" effect of intrinsically disordered proteins.

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Nonnative Interactions in Coupled Folding and Binding Processes of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins.

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Systematic identification of conserved motif modules in the human genome.

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Binding Energy Landscape Analysis Helps to Discriminate True Hits from High-Scoring Decoys in Virtual Screening.

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Structural basis for the autoprocessing of zinc metalloproteases in the thermolysin family.

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Silkworm Coatomers and Their Role in Tube Expansion of Posterior Silkgland.

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Intrinsic noise analysis and stochastic simulation on transforming growth factor beta signal pathway.

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De novo identification and biophysical characterization of transcription-factor binding sites with microfluidic affinity analysis.

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A mathematical model for cell size control in fission yeast.

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Maturation Mechanism of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus 3C-like Proteinase.

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Modeling the intracellular dynamics for Vif-APO mediated HIV-1 virus infection.

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Protein-Protein Interactions: Interface Analysis.

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Modulating the Substrate Specificity of LTA4H Aminopeptidase by Using Chemical Compounds and Small-Molecule-Guided Mutagenesis CHEMBIOCHEM.

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Quantitative Modeling of Escherichia coli Chemotactic Motion in Environments Varying in Space and Time PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY.

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Spontaneous suppression of spiral turbulence based on feedback strategy PHYSICAL REVIEW E.

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An automatic microturbidostat for bacterial culture at constant density BIOMEDICAL MICRODEVICES.

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Substrate Binding and Homo-Dimerization of SARS 3CL Proteinase are Mutual Allosteric Effectors ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA.

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Rapid Diversification of Cell Signaling Phenotypes by Modular Domain Recombination SCIENCE.

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Local site preference rationalizes disentangling by DNA topoisomerases PHYSICAL REVIEW E.

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Synthesizing a novel genetic sequential logic circuit: a push-on push-off switch MOLECULAR SYSTEMS BIOLOGY.

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Diffusion-based concentration control in microcavities during long time period by programmed syringe pumpsMICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING.

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A fast protein-ligand docking algorithm based on hydrogen bond matching and surface shape complementarity JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING.

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A robust empirical Bayesian method for detecting differentially expressed genes PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2009 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING AND INFORMATICS.

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Degassing-Assisted Patterning of Cell Culture Surfaces BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING.

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Water dynamics clue to key residues in protein folding BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS.

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Folding Simulations of a De Novo Designed Protein with a beta alpha beta Fold BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL.

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Deterministic Charaterization of Intrinsic Noise in Chemical Reactions CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS.

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