Ming Han

    Phone: 13681592804

    E-mail: hanmingcr@gmail.com

    Principal Investigator/Assistant Professor

    Center for Quantitative Biology

    Peking-Tsinghua Center for Life Sciences

    Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies


2008-2012, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, BS in physics and applied math

2012-2018, Northwestern University, PhD in applied physics

Research interests:

1. Elucidate Gene Regulatory Networks: Utilizing temporal metabolite profiles to infer complex gene regulation networks.

2. Multicellular Dynamics Modeling: Employing both theoretical and data-driven approaches to uncover intricate cell-cell interactions at the physical and chemical dimensions.

3. Early Embryonic Development: Investigating the initial developmental stages of model organisms like Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) and Caenorhabditis elegans to shed light on fundamental biological processes.

Academic experiences:

2018-2023, University of Chicago, Kadanoff-Rice postdoctoral fellow

Selected publications:

1. M. Han, M. Fruchart, C. Scheibner, S. Vaikuntanathan, J. J. de Pablo, & V. Vitelli. “Fluctuating hydrodynamics of chiral active fluids” Nature Phys. 17, 1260–1269 (2021)

2. J. Colen=, M. Han=, R. Zhang, S. A. Redford, L. M. Lemma, L. Morgan, P. V. Ruijgrok, R. Adkins, Z. Bryant, Z. Dogic, M. L Gardel, J. J. de Pablo, & V. Vitelli. “Machine learning active-nematic hydrodynamics.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118, 10 (2021)

3. M. Han=, Jing Yan=, S. Granick, & E. Luijten. “Effective temperature concept evaluated in an
active colloid mixture.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 114, 7513–7518 (2017)

4. Jing Yan=, M. Han=, J. Zhang, C. Xu, E. Luijten, & S. Granick. “Reconfiguring active particles by electrostatic imbalance.” Nature Mater. 15, 1095–1099 (2016)

5. R. Freeman, M. Han, Z. Alvarez, J. A. Lewis, J. R. Wester, N. Stephanopoulos, M. T. McClendon, C. Lynsky, J. M. Godbe, H. Sangji, E. Luijten, & S. I. Stupp. “Reversible self-assembly of superstructured networks.” Science 362, 808–813 (2018)