题 目: Dynamical Approaches in scRNA-seq Data Analysis
报告人: Prof. Tiejun Li(李铁军)
School of Mathematical Sciences,Peking University
时 间: 11月30日(周一)13:00-14:00
地 点: 吕志和楼B101报告厅
主持人: 来鲁华 教授
摘 要:
scRNA-seq data analysis has been recognized as one of the most
promissing field in computational biology and attracts a lot of
attention in recent years. Although it is a data-oriented problem at a
first sight, the recent studies showed that the dynamical modeling and
analysis could play a vital role in this field. In this talk, I will
introduce some recent progress made by our group on this topic with the
dynamical system perspective. The covered methods include the multiscale
dynamical approaches for scRNA-seq data analysis (MuTrans), landscape
of differential dynamics (LDD), and theoretical framework of RNA
velocity, etc.
Dr. Tiejun Li got his Batchelor and Master degree from Tsinghua
University in 1995 and 1998, and PhD degree from Peking University in
2001. His research interest is the stochastic modeling and algorithms in
science and engineering. He has made several important contributions in
multiscale analysis of complex fluids, chemical reaction kinetic
simulations, model reduction of complex networks, rare events and
landscape theory in biology, and scRNA-seq data analysis, etc. He has
published more than fifty refereed articles in the journals like PNAS,
CMP, JCP, and SIAM series, etc. He is also the recipient of the NSFC
Research Funding for Excellent and Distinguished Young Scholars in 2012
and 2018, respectively.