2017.5.22 Molecular mechanisms of biological sensing and response

2020-05-11 05:44:57




题 目: Molecular mechanisms of biological sensing and response: the paradigm of bacterial chemotaxis

报告人:Gerald L. Hazelbauer


Curators' Professor and Chair of Biochemistry; University of Missouri-Columbia

时 间: 2017-05-22 (周一), 13:00-14:00

地 点:北京大学生命科学学院邓祐才报告厅

主持人: 来鲁华教授、涂豫海教授


Life requires the ability to detect the environment and respond. Thus all cells have sensory systems. These systems recognize environmental change and couple recognition to cellular response. Central to most sensory systems are transmembrane receptors. These receptors detect the environment, transduce detection into informational signals that pass across the cellular membrane, and initiate intracellular signaling to mount an effective response. One of the most extensively characterized transmembrane sensory systems mediates bacterial chemotaxis. The system has become a paradigm for molecular characterization of biological signaling. This seminar will review the notably sophisticated molecular mechanisms and organization of the bacterial chemotaxis system, focusing on transmembrane chemoreceptors. It will outline recent progress in defining and understanding structure and functions of chemoreceptors and the chemotaxis core signaling complex, a transmembrane assembly of ten proteins. The outline will include descriptions of our laboratory’s utilization of Nanodisc technology for characterization of delicate transmembrane proteins like bacterial chemoreceptors that are fully active only if inserted in a lipid bilayer.

Background reading:

Signaling and sensory adaptation in Escherichia coli chemoreceptors: 2015 update. Parkinson, J.S., Hazelbauer, G.L. and Falke, J.J. 2015. Trends in Microbiololgy 23: 257-266.

Bacterial chemoreceptors: providing enhanced features to two-component signaling. Hazelbauer, G.L. and Lai, W.-C. Curr. Opinion Microbiol. 2010:124-132.

Bacterial chemoreceptors: high-performance signaling in networked arrays. Hazelbauer, G.L., Falke, J.J., and Parkinson, J.S. 2008. Trends Biochem. Sci. 33, 9-19.


Gerald L. Hazelbauer is Curators’ Distinguished Professor and Chair of Biochemistry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has made seminal contributions to our understanding of bacterial sensory systems and signal transduction through his studies of bacterial chemotaxis, particularly transmembrane chemoreceptors, their signaling complexes and the sensory adaptation they mediate. Professor Hazelbauer’s multiple contributions helped make chemotaxis in Escherichia coli a paradigm for molecular descriptions of biological signaling. Dr. Hazelbauer’s career began as a student with Julius Adler in the late 1960’s as Adler was initiating the molecular study of bacterial chemotaxis. In that early work, Hazelbauer was the first to identify a chemoreceptor mutant and a chemoreceptor protein. Subsequently, he studied the acetylcholine receptor with Jean-Pierre Changeux at the Pasteur Institute, Paris, went to the University of Uppsala as a Sloan Fellow in neuroscience, became a junior faculty member at Uppsala, moved in 1981 to Washington State University where was promoted through the faculty ranks to become departmental Chair in 1992, and in 2000 accepted an offer as Chair of Biochemistry at Missouri. Dr. Hazelbauer’s research has been supported by the Swedish Natural Sciences Research Council, the U.S. National Science Foundation, the McKnight Foundation, the American Cancer Society and, for over 40 years, the U.S. National Institutes of Health. He has been Secretary/Treasurer and Council member for the Protein Society and a member of the Board and Finance Committee of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), as well as a member of several editorial boards. He has been honored with an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, a McKnight Neuroscience Development Award, an American Cancer Society Faculty Research Award and an NIH MERIT Award. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.