Title: CRISPR technology for genome regulation and applications
Speaker: Dr. Lei Stanley Qi
Assistant Professor, Departments of Bioengineering, Chemical and Systems Biology, and Stanford ChEM-H, Stanford University
Time: 10:00am June 4th 2015
Address: Rm 101, East wing of Old Chemistry Building, Peking Unversity
Chair: Dr. Ping Wei, Center for Quantitative Biology
Gene circuits allow programmable activation and repression of the genome. This provides a novel and powerful for both understanding biology and disease modeling. Here I will talk about our work on repurposing the bacterial CRISPR system as a synthetic biology toolset for sequence-specific gene regulation. The CRISPR tools enable multiplexable, inducible, and high-throughput activation or repression of genes across diverse organisms. The technology also allows genome-wide perturbation of gene expression for functional genomic research. We show several applications using the basic CRISPR tools, e.g., the construction of higher-order CRISPR circuits for modulating metabolic pathways in yeast. The CRISPR technology provides a powerful approach to engineering complex genetic systems for studying gene function and genomics.