2021.12.15 Metabolic dynamics and cell growth: from single-cell measurement to mathematical theory

2022-05-10 11:58:22



    : Metabolic dynamics and cell growth: from single-cell measurement to mathematical theory

报告人 ZWei-Hsiang Lin, Ph.D.

Postdoc associate,

Stanford University, Stanford, CA


    : ZOOM线上报告

Meeting ID: 746 492 6744


主持人: 林杰 研究员


Metabolism is the foundation of biosynthesis and cell growth and has great implications for biomedical research and bioengineering design. My research interest is to combine quantitative measurement and mathematical theory to study cell growth and metabolism.  For the first part of my talk, I will present my work on single-cell, real-time measurement of ATP level in E. coli. We found that ATP level oscillates significantly during normal exponential growth. The oscillation is partially correlated with cell cycle, and its magnitude is related with acetate fermentation. Importantly, we found that cell cycles with smaller ATP fluctuations have higher growth rates, indicating the importance of ATP homeostasis at singe-cell level.  For the second part of my talk, I will present my theoretical study on exponential-growing systems. Currently, most of the cell growth models assume balanced growth condition, which requires all metabolites to be maintained under constant steady state. I developed a mathematical framework by exploring the scalability of flux functions and constructed various types of exponential-growing systems including periodic and chaotic dynamics. The new framework allows us to study how cell growth is affected by metabolic dynamics, cell cycle and noise fluctuation in the future.


Wei-Hsiang Lin(林暐翔)博士,2002-2007National Taiwan University获得生物和物理学士双学位,2008-2015年获得纽约大学生物学博士学位,2015-20162016至今分别在纽约大学和斯坦福大学进行博士后研究。研究兴趣为Metabolic control of cell growth, Biophysics, Systems Biology, Mathematical Biology