2021.06.04 Universal dynamics of complex communities

2022-05-10 11:52:22



    : Universal dynamics of complex communities

报告人Jiliang Hu

Prof. Jeff Gore’s Group, Department of Physics, MIT


    : Zoom线上

会议号:942 8898 1376


主持人: 李志远 研究员


Natural organisms tend to form complex communities with high biodiversity, such as human gut microbes, tropical trees and ocean fishes. A major challenge in ecology research is explaining the coexistence of multispecies in complex communities. Seminal work by Robert May predicts a stability boundary in ecosystems, suggesting that only a limited number of interacting species can stably coexist. While this prediction has highly influenced our understanding of ecological communities, why the high biodiversity of natural communities largely escapes this boundary is still under intense debate. Here, we address the stability and dynamics of a large number of experimental microbial communities within a wide range of initial richness. Bridging theory and microcosms experiment, we show that, beyond May’s bound, multispecies communities universally exhibit persistent abundance fluctuation. When the community size or interaction strength is high, species exhibit abundance fluctuations emerging from complex species interactions. These emergent fluctuations are inherent and collective behaviors of complex communities, which maintain high biodiversity by allowing episodic local blooms of rare species.


胡脊梁,本科就读于清华力学系钱学森班,2017年获学士学位,2019年毕业于MIT机械工程系,获硕士学位,目前为MIT物理系Jeff Gore团队的博士研究生,研究方向为Systems Biology, Physical Biology, Microbial Ecology, Cell Mechanics。硕士和博士期间具体研究工作包括:1 复杂微生物群落的生态和进化动力学;2)肿瘤的细胞力学和群体行为。
