International Symposium on Theoretical Biology
2000年7月24日—28日 北京
上午 主持人 佘振苏 |
9:00-9:30 | 开 幕 式 |
9:30-10:35 | 郝柏林 | 理论物理研究所 | Some thoughts on compositional distance between species |
10:35-10:55 | 休 息 |
10:55-12:00 | 李浩 | University of California, San Francisco | Computational Genomics: From Genome sequences to global gene regulation |
下午 主持人 孙丰珠 |
2:00-3:05 | 张春霆 | 天津大学 | Geometrical representation - Symmetry of DNA sequences and applications to genome analysis |
3:05-4:10 | 佘振苏 | 北京大学 | Multi-scale correlation analysis of genomic sequences |
4:10-4:30 | 休 息 |
4:30-5:35 | 张培森 | Columbia University | Graph theory and application in genome research |
上午 主持人 钱纮 |
8:30-9:35 | 施蕴渝 | 中国科技大学 | Molecular recognition between Cyclooxygenase-2 and selective inhibitor studied by computer simulation |
9:35-10:40 | 廖秀北 | University of Illinois, Chicago | NMR dynamics of protein-DNA complex |
10:40-11:00 | 休 息 |
11:00-11:35 | 来鲁华 | 北京大学 | Hydrophobic collapse and ab initio protein folding |
11:35-12:10 | 孙之荣 | 清华大学 | Support vector machine operates to protein secondary structure prediction |
下午 主持人 张培森 |
2:00-3:05 | 钱纮 | University of Washington | Stochastic macromolecular mechanics of single molecule |
3:05-4:10 | 张红宇 | Maryland University & 北京大学 | Protein structure prediction based on a new fragment library |
4:10-4:30 | 休 息 |
4:30-5:35 | 汤超 | NEC Research Institute | (Title to be confirmed) |
上午 主持人 汤超 |
8:30-9:35 | 梁守丹 | NASA Ames Lab. | Dissecting gene regulatory networks with mRNA microarray |
9:35-10:40 | 涂豫海 | IBM | GeneChip and its analysis |
10:40-11:00 | 休 息 |
11:00-11:35 | 吴加金 | 军事医学科学院 | 转录调控因子的研究 |
11:35-12:05 | 吴晓霞 | 军事医学科学院 | 心衰相关蛋白转录调控因子的分析研究 |
下午 参观实验室 (北京大学和清华大学) |
上午 主持人 张春霆 |
8:30-9:35 | 孙丰珠 | University of Southern California | Unified transmission disequilibrium tests for qualitative and quantitative traits |
9:35-10:40 | 顾琦 | Washington University, St. Louis | Genetic dissection of complex traits - fantasy or reality? |
10:40-11:00 | 休 息 |
11:00-12:05 | 李洪哲 | University of California, Davis | Bivariate survival model induced by genetic frailties, with applications to genetic linkage analysis |
下午 主持人 李浩 |
2:00-3:05 | 罗辽复 | 内蒙古大学 | Reconstruction of evolution tree based on information on short-range-correlation of nucleotides in gene sequence |
3:05-4:10 | 凌伦奖 | 生物物理研究所 | Build bacterial phylogenic tree based on whole genome comparison |
4:10-4:30 | 休 息 |
4:30-5:20 | 罗静初 | 北京大学 | Databases of Molecular Bioinformatics |
5:20-5:45 | 王槐春 | 军事医学科学院 | Analysis of codon usage pattern of bacterial genomes using self-organizing map: methods and application to complete genome analysis |
上午 主持人 来鲁华 |
8:30-9:45 | 华泰立 | University of California, San Diego | Homology search and clustering: Applications of statistical physics in bioinformatics |
9:45-10:40 | 王鲁生 | City U., HK | Methods for multiple sequence alignments |
10:40-11:00 | 休 息 |
11:00-11:35 11:35-12:05 | 张文 解涛 | 上海生物化学所 上海生物化学所 | Reverse-translated alignment of EST sequence with protein sequence Genome functional prediction using bioinformatics approaches |