Title:A Computationally Designed Inhibitor of an Epstein-Barr Viral Bcl-2 Protein Induces Apoptosis in Infected Cells.
Time:4:00-5:00pm Oct 10th 2014
Address:Rm 302, East Wing of Old Chemistry Building, Peking University
Speaker: Xiaoling Zhang
Erik, P. et al. (2014). A Computationally Designed Inhibitor of an Epstein-Barr Viral Bcl-2 Protein Induces Apoptosis in Infected Cells. Cell 157, 1644-1656.
Martinou, J.C., and Youle, R.J. (2011). Mitochondria in apoptosis: Bcl-2 family members and mitochondrial dynamics. Dev. Cell 21, 92–101.