Center for Quantitative Biology: 2016 Synthetic Biology Young Scholar Forum

2016-07-22 18:00:37

14-15 July 2016, the 2nd Synthetic Biology Young Scholar Forum was held in Peking University. The Center for Quantitative Biology and the Institute of Microbiology co-hosted the event. More than 200 participants attended the meeting. Thirty speakers presented their latest progresses in the synthetic biology field, and eight students won the poster award. Concluded with full success on July 15th, the SynBioYSF 2016 sparked new thoughts in systems and synthetic biology field, and drew great attentions in the related field nationwide.





With the aim of promoting a long term international platform for outstanding young scholars in the field of Synthetic Biology, the forum committee has launched the Synthetic Biology Young Scholar Forum as an annual conference bridging the young systems and synthetic biologists, from students to professors and related organizations, since 2015.