Chang and Zigang left

Chang has completed her doctoral studies and she will pursue postdoctoral work at Lehigh University. Zigang has finished his undergraduate degree and he decides to continue his education at Lehigh University by pursuing a doctorate. Wishing them both much success and fulfillment in their future endeavors!

Tadsanee joined us

We are thrilled to welcome Tadsanee Awang to our group! After completing her first postdoctoral work, she will continue as a postdoctoral researcher with us. In her new role, Tadsanee will continue to focus on molecular dynamics simulations of antimicrobial peptides, and we look forward to the contributions she will make. Welcome, Tadsanee!

Jiaxuan and Song left

Jiaxuan and Song have completed their doctoral training and left the group for their new positions. They have done excellent work in their doctoral studies on the prediction of the alternative conformations of proteins and Switching Go-Martini simulations, respectively. We wish them all the best in their future career endeavors.

Hulun Buir meeting

Lei and Lingfeng participated in the 2nd National Conference on Biomolecular Structure Prediction and Modeling, held in Hulun Buir, China, from June 27th to 30th, 2024.

IUPAB Congress 2024

Prof. Chen SONG was invited to give a talk at the International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB2024) congress in Kyoto, Japan , where he presented our recent work titled "Modelling multistate structures of proteins and simulating their conformational transitions". Additionally, members of our group, including Zhongjie, Qingyang, and Haozhe, attended the conference.

VAChT paper online

The collaborative research on VAChT has been published in Cell Research online! In this paper, we collaborated with Prof. Zhe Zhang's lab and performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on the structures of human vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT or SLC18A3) in complex with vesamicol or its native substrate Acetylcholine (ACh). The findings from this work contribute to a better understanding of the structural and functional mechanisms of VAChT and its interactions with two important ligands. Congratulations to Nanhao on the successful publication!

Frank seminar

On June 6, 2024, Prof. Frank Noé from the Freie Universität Berlin was invited by Prof. Chen Song to present a CQB seminar titled "Advancing molecular physics with deep learning". In his presentation, Prof. Frank Noé provided an overview of highly accurate computational methods for determining quantum states using deep fermionic neural networks and Quantum Monte Carlo. He also discussed the approaches to address the many-body sampling problem with generative deep learning.

PhD defense

Jiaxuan, Chang, and Song successfully defended their PhD viva examinations on May 27th, 2024. Congratulations to them! The defense process went smoothly, and the members of the entire research group shared in this celebratory occasion.
