Haozhe and Nanhao joined us

We are excited to announce the addition of two new members to our group: Haozhe Guo and Dr. Nanhao Chen. Haozhe, who graduated from Peking University, is a graduate student in the CLS program. Dr. Nanhao Chen, who has just completed his PhD at UC Davis, joins us as a postdoctoral researcher. With their backgrounds in chemistry, both Haozhe and Nanhao will be working on force field development for molecular dynamics simulations. We warmly welcome them to our group and look forward to fruitful collaborations.

Ruihan joined the group

We are glad to welcome Ruihan on board. Ruihan majored in biological sciences at Tianjin University. She is interested in deep learning-based antimicrobial drug design and will work on this exciting project for her PhD study.

CQB Annual Meeting 2022

The postponed CQB annual meeting (2022) was held on 18 Mar 2023. Jiaxuan presented her work on exploring the alternative conformations of proteins from deep learning predictions, and won the scholarship of quantitative biology. Congratulations!!

Two online talks

Dr. Song was invited to give two online talks lately: one at the forum on chemical biology (4 Mar), and the other at the forum on simulations of biomolecules (10 Mar). Sometimes, online meetings and seminars are indeed more convenient ...

ProtRAP paper online

Congratulations to Kai and Lei for the publication of the ProtRAP paper in JCIM (Link). In this paper, we further utilized the membrane contact probability (MCP) from the MemProtMD database and developed a deep learning based predictior that can tell which residues of a given protein sequence are lipid accessible, solvent (water) accessible, or buried in the protein interior. This tool may find wide applications in protein structure prediction and drug discovery, especially when membrane proteins are involved. For quick predictions, an online server has been setup: http://www.songlab.cn/ProtRAP/home/

SecA paper online

One of our collaboraive projects has been published in PNAS online. In this paper, we collaborated with Prof. Long LI's lab and performed MD simulations on the structures of SecA-SecY to reveal its peptide/protein translocation mechanism. Although only part of our simulation results was incorporated in the paper, the collaboration has inspired us to develop a new simulation method... Congratulations to Song, and thanks to all the collaborators!

The 20th anniversary of CQB

The "Quantitative Biology Symposium 2022" was successfully held by the Center for Quantitative Biology (CQB) at Peking University on 3-4 Dec. The symposium is one of the series activities to celebrate the 20th anniversary of CQB, which was founded in 2001 to develop pioneering interdisciplinary and quantitative biological studies in China. We are proud to be part of CQB for the past six years! 

Talk at FDSB workshop

Dr. Chen Song was invited to give a talk at the international workshop "Frontier of Dynamic Structural Biology" on 18 Oct. Our latest work, "Exploring the alternative conformation of a known protein structure based on deep learning predictions", was presented.

Presentation at AI Conference

On 2 September, Dr. Chen Song was invited to give a talk for the World AI Conference 2022 (AI for Science, Shanghai). He discussed some of our preliminary studies and thoughts on how to combine AI with physics-based simulations for the study of biomolecules.