In this special graduation season, three students of TangLab Tian Binghui, Ren Huixia, and Li Yanjun successfully completed their doctoral defenses and received Phd degrees from Peking University. Congratulations, and wish you all a bright future!
Dr. Tian Binghui’s research constructed a mechanical model of early embryonic development of nematodes, she studied the spatiotemporal robustness of early embryonic development of Caenorhabditis elegans from a mechanical perspective. Dr. Ren Huixia and Dr. Li Yanjun cooperated to study islet cells, studied the microscopy imaging of calcium oscillation in mouse pancreatic islet cells and effects of islet cell types on the oscillation, and further constructed a mathematical model of the oscillation modes and cell type interaction of pancreatic islets, deepening our quantitative understanding of pancreatic islet oscillations.