研究队伍 / Reseach Team

顾少华 (Shaohua Gu)

2022-06-09 14:54:20

博后 Post-Doctor

邮箱 / Mail Address:gushaohua at pku.edu.cn

所在单位 / Current Affiliation:北京大学前沿交叉学科研究院

专业 / major:生物学

研究关键词 / Research Keywords:

Metabolic strategies, evolutionary laws and ecological functions of microbial siderophores

研究概述 / Research Overview:

Microbial genomic data mining and siderophore-mediated microbial interaction and ecological function

研究介绍 / Research Introduction:

Iron is essential for the growth of microorganisms, but it often exists in the form of mineral iron that is difficult for organisms to use. Microorganisms in different habitats (gut, soil, ocean, skin, etc.) compete fiercely for biologically available iron. Almost all microorganisms can compete for limited iron through the secretion and absorption of siderophores, which play an important role in mediating the interaction of microorganisms. Microorganisms interact with each other in the long-term evolutionary process to form today's interaction network. These evolutionary processes often leave imprints in the genome and interactions will affect the microbial ecological functions. My research interests are based on genomic data mining, using computational methods to explore the metabolic strategies, evolutionary laws and ecological functions of microbial siderophores, and to analyze the internal mechanism of siderophore-mediated microbial interactions from the genetic level.

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