科学研究 / Research

研究方向 / Research Fields:


Quantitative Biology


研究兴趣 / Research interests:


  1. 微生物从演化到群落互作中的定量科学;

  2. 多细胞体系中模式生成的数学规律;

  3. 生物大数据挖掘的方法建设;

  4. 传染病动力学和对非药物干预的建模。

Our research focuses on self-organization in biological systems. Utilizing various computational methods such as data mining and network dynamics, we are particularly interested in the following areas:

  1. Quantitative microbial ecology, with a focus on secondary metabolite evolution and ecological implications;

  2. Collective cell fate decisions and pattern formations;

  3. Exploratory data analysis towards big data in biology;

  4. Dynamical models of epidemics and non-pharmaceutical interventions.

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