研究成果 / Research Achievements

NRPS motif Finder

2022-06-06 21:38:42

Non-ribosomal peptide (NRP) synthesized by non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) is a diverse family of natural products widespread in fungi and bacteria. This kind of macroenzyme consists of several domains, such as the adenylation (A) domain, the condensation (C) domain, the thiolation (T) domain and the thioesterase (TE) domain etc. These are many highly conserved sequences (motifs) in domains. And locating positions of these motifs is useful for analysis and reengineering of NRPS. It’s proposed “standardization” of NRPS by its motif-and-intermotif architecture. NRPS motif Finder is a tool to “standardize” the NRPS protein sequence to a motif-and-intermotif architecture.

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