Cancer Immunolgoy
- TISMO Tumor Immune Syngeneic MOuse (TISMO) is a database specifically designed for hosting, visualizing, and analyzing immunotherapy response and immune infiltration of an extensive collection of syngeneic mouse model data.
- ICRAFT Immune-related CRispr screen Analyzer of Functional Targets (ICRAFT) has an extensive collection of genome-scale CRISPR screens focusing on gene's immune-modulatory effects. ICRAFT provides interactive web interfaces for users to investigate whether specific gene perturbation influences immune-modulatory functions.
- ISET Immune Signature Effect Tool (ISET) is a comprehensive Computational Pipeline for Integrated Gene Signature Evaluation across Diverse Cancer Cell and Tumor Profiles.
Spatial Transcriptomics
- SOAR Spatial transcriptOmics Analysis Resource (SOAR) is a comprehensive database of 132 spatial transcriptomics datasets from six species across 22 tissue types.