The Youth Workshop on Biophysics will be held on December 7

2020-05-21 13:53:29

   The Youth Workshop of Biophysics, sponsored by the Biophysical Society, will be hosted by the Peking University Center for Quantitative Biology and the Peking University-Tsinghua Joint Life Science Center on December 7, 2019 in the Lui Che Woo Building of Peking University.

   This conference is one of the International Association of Biophysics Networking Events, which aims to broaden the scientific research horizons of young researchers and students and promote exchanges between scholars in the field of biophysics research in the vicinity of Beijing.

   This conference is aimed at researchers, post-doctors, postgraduates and undergraduates in the fields of biophysics research in universities and research institutions. The content of the conference involves structural biophysics, single molecule biophysics, electrophysiology and neurobiophysics, and theoretical and computational biophysics field. The meeting will consist of four invited reports and twelve selected reports. Post-doctoral, postgraduate and undergraduate students in related fields are welcome to submit abstracts. We will choose oral reports from the best in the abstract. We sincerely invite scholars and researchers in related fields to participate in this conference to showcase research results and promote academic exchanges.

   The registration website: