Pei Jianfeng of Center for Quantitative Biology won the both the WuXi AppTech Life Science and Chemistry Award, and the Chinese Chemical Society Young Computational Chemist Award

2020-05-21 13:34:47

  On December 8, 2019, the 13th The WuXi AppTech Life Science and Chemistry Award announced the selection results in Beijing. Pei Jianfeng, a specially-appointed researcher of the center, won the scholar award for artificial intelligence in drug design.

  The WuXi AppTech Life Science and Chemistry Award was established in 2007 to reward young and middle-aged scientific and technological talents who are engaged in research in life chemistry and related fields, and have made outstanding achievements in scientific research, innovation, and industrialization. Up to now, a total of 225 scientists have won awards, of which 19 winners have been selected as academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

  It focuses on inspiring young and middle-aged scientists to participate in scientific research, giving them attention and support at the initial stage of their original research results, helping them to further achieve breakthroughs in their achievements. The average age of previous winners is 45 years old, and outstanding post-90s research talents have emerged from this year's winners. The scientific achievements of the winners have played a positive role in promoting the technological innovation in the field of life chemistry and the transformation and development of the great health industry.

  The 15th National Conference on Computational (Mechanical) Chemistry of the Chinese Chemical Society was held at Fudan University on November 14-17, 2019. Pei Jianfeng won the "Young Computational Chemist Award" and made a conference report entitled "Drug Discovery in the Age of Weak AI" at the closing ceremony of the conference as a special guest. The "Young Computational Chemist Award" of the Computer Chemistry Specialty Committee of the Chinese Chemical Society rewards young scientific and technological workers (under 45 years of age) who have made outstanding achievements in the field of computer chemistry research.