题 目: How Studying the Kinematics of How We Move Can Unravel Important Physiological Information Leading To Quantitative Classifications of Neurological Disorders
报告人: Jorge V. José
Indiana University
时 间:2016-6-13(周一),13:00-14:00
地 点:北京大学老化学楼东配楼一层101报告厅
主持人:汤超 教授
摘 要:
The brain is one of the most remarkable human organs. In spite of the central role it plays in most of what we do, we are still far from deeply understanding its inner workings. Most importantly, what happens when the brain breaks down from its typical functioning? In this talk I will describe how hidden information contained in our natural movements may provide cognitive quantitative information about the severity of neurological disorders. Each of the movements we make in our daily lives can achieve an intended goal, like reaching a cup of coffee. But if we repeat this task many times, looking at the kinematics of each trajectory at millisecond time scales, away from naked eye detection, we would discover that they are not deterministic but in fact random. I will give as an example the important case of Autism. By using high-resolution wearable sensing devices we got continuous motion dynamic recordings at milliseconds time scales. By studying the movement’s statistics of human natural movements, we unraveled a new data-type characterized by the amount of smoothness levels of the body dynamics. We used correlation functions, nearest neighbor speed-peak statistics, plus other statistical metrics to quantitatively characterize each individual within the Autism Spectrum. Our statistical analysis led to a parameter phase space that provides an automatic screening of different types of individuals with Autism linking it, a posteriori, with their clinical diagnoses of their verbal speaking abilities. We also found unexpected similarities of the Autism’s movement statistics to that of their parent’s.
Jorge V. José is the James H. Rudy distinguished professor of physics, the member of the stark neuroscience institute, and the adjunct professor of integrative and cellular physiology at Indiana university medicine. He has been invited as the visiting scientist in kavli institute at CAS since 2016. He has made brilliant achievements in the field of theoretical physics.