The first Young Scholars Frontier Symposium on Quantitative Biology Development (YSQB2015) will be held from May 8thto May 10th, 2015 in Beijing. This conference is hosted by Center for Quantitative Biology (CQB, more information:http://cqb.pku.edu.cn/en/), Peking University.
In the postgenomic era, enormous amount of accumulating biological data requires us to rethink about biology in a more quantitative and systematic manner. Quantitative biology, as a systematic field include Systems Biology, Synthetic Biology, Bioinformatics etc., has been fast growing into a promising approach to understand fundamental biological questions, towards ultimately uncovering the underline design principles of complex biology system.
This symposium aims at promoting the comprehensive communications about latest progresses of quantitative biology among young scholars. YSQB2015 will invite world famous scientists for keynote speeches, as well as graduate students from various universities and institutes to give oral or poster presentations.
Welcome to join us!
Main Topics:
(1)Synthetic Biology
(2)Protein Structure and Function Design
(3)Dynamics of Biological Network and Nonlinear Science
(5)Microfluidics and its applications
(6)Other fields