2016.11.14. Characterization of the role of PDGF signaling in craniofacial development

2019-07-07 00:37:51



题 目: Characterization of the role of PDGF signaling in craniofacial development

报告人: Dr. Fenglei He

                Department of Cell and Molecular Biology,Tulane University

时 间: 2016年11月14日(周一)13:00-14:00

地 点: 北京大学老化学楼东配楼101报告厅

主持人: 来鲁华 教授


PDGFRa is a receptor tyrosine kinase required for both development and homeostasis. In human, mutations in PDGFRA locus have been linked craniofacial defects such as cleft lip/palate. Using mouse models and biochemical assays, we have established a critical role for PDGFRa in cranial neural crest cells during embryogenesis, and have identified its downstream target Rac1 in this process. Interestingly, our data show ectopic activity of PDGFRa also disrupts craniofacial formation and leads to craniosynostosis. Analysis of these models reveals a novel role for PDGFRa engaged PI3K signaling in suture and calvarial development. In together our study indicates a finely-tuned PDGF signaling is required for normal craniofacial development in vivo.


Dr. Fenglei He graduated (B.S.) from Peking University in 2002, then received his Ph.D. degree at Tulane University in 2009. He is an assistant professor at Tulane University now. His laboratory studies the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying normal craniofacial development and its pathological settings. In particular, they are interested in understanding how growth factor signaling pathways regulate multi-potent neural crest cells, which predominantly populate craniofacial tissues. By using a combination of in vitro and in vivo experimental approaches, their long term goal is to understand the fundamental mechanisms underlying craniofacial morphogenesis and to reduce the occurrence of related diseases in human births.