2016.11.21. 膜电位与膜蛋白功能

2019-07-07 00:38:09



题 目: 膜电位与膜蛋白功能

报告人: 张凯 研究员


时 间: 2016年11月21日(周一)13:00-14:00

地 点: 北京大学老化学楼东配楼101报告厅

主持人: 白书农 教授




Dr. Zhang has been working in the field of protein crystallography since 1980s. In the Institute of Biophysics (IBP), CAS, he participated in the refinement of crystal structure of trichosanthin, the second protein crystal structure determined by Chinese scientists. After getting his Ph.D. degree and doing postdoc research in the HHIM laboratory of Dr. Brian Matthews at University of Oregon, he became an independent principle investigator of the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF) in 1995. Research interests of his laboratory included proteases from the cardiovascular system and protein interactions in intracellular trafficking. In this period, his laboratory solved, among others, the crystal structures of streptokinase-plasmin complex and -secretase both of which are of significant medical importance. In 2010, Dr. Zhang returned to IBP and opened his new research laboratory focusing on structural and functional studies of important membrane proteins involved in signal transduction and cellular transportation. The research goal is to determine three-dimensional structures of those membrane proteins and complexes in order to understand their molecular mechanisms and interactions. Zhang lab has developed high throughput E. coli membrane protein expression systems and stability screening techniques. The lab has already solved crystal structures of several membrane proteins, and studied the energy-coupling mechanisms of a number of proteins families.