2015.11.06 The Genetic Architecture of Complex Phenotypes: New Insight from Game Theory

2019-07-07 00:27:20




 题目: The Genetic Architecture of Complex Phenotypes: New Insight from Game Theory

 报告人: 邬荣领 教授

                中国林业大学;Pennsylvania State University



 主持人:邓明华 教授


Despite their paramount importance to life sciences, our understanding of quantitatively inherited traits has been largely limited by the complexity of their underlying genetic and physiological mechanisms. In this talk, I present a new theory for mapping complex traits by integrating game theory into the statistical framework of genetic association studies. In nature, the development of any trait is never an isolated process, rather than it encompasses a web of interactions between its internal components and external interfaces through Darwinian natural selection. This universal principle, quantified by game theory, is utilized and incorporated to identify causal intermediate pathways between genotype and phenotype. The game-based mapping strategy established by a group of differential equations breaks through traditional ways to dissect trait phenotypes which do not take account into the ecological and evolutionary underpinnings. The new strategy can not only map quantitative traits more precisely and more efficiently, but also provide an unprecedented tool to study the genetic control of biological processes in evolutionary, ecological and biomedical studies.


报告人简介邬荣领1995年获华盛顿大学(西雅图)数量遗传学博士学位,历任佛罗里达大学统计系终身教授,现任宾夕法尼亚州立大学统计系与公共卫生系杰出教授(终身)、统计遗传学中心主任。2002年获国家自然科学基金委员会“国家杰出青年基金”(B类),2010年加盟北京林业大学,帮助创立计算生物学中心并担任主任,2014年组建林业系统第一个计算生物学与生物信息学二级学科,开始为国家培养这一新兴领域的高端人才。在统计遗传学、数量遗传学、计算生物学等领域开展了许多开创性工作。多年来着力用数学与统计方法研究生物问题,发展定量模型预测复杂性状与疾病形成的总体运行规则和设计原理;发明的“功能作图”方法被认为是复杂性状基因定位的最具开创性的工具之一,在国际上产生广泛影响。发表文章近400篇,被《Science》、《Cell》等顶级刊物引用,并被《Nature Reviews Genetics》重点介绍。