








美国IBM T. J. Watson Research Center研究员;










1994年加入IBM T. J. Watson研究中心做研究员,2003-2015年曾任该中心理论与计算物理实验室主任;

涂豫海博士由于在统计物理理论及其在计算生物学中的创新性应用方面的杰出贡献于2004年当选为美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow)

涂豫海博士由于发展开创性的聚飞理论(Flocking Theory)及开辟活性物质 (Active Matter) 这一新领域等重要供献荣获2020年APS 昂萨格奖(Lars Onsager Prize)


1.  “The energy cost and optimal design for synchronization of coupled molecular oscillators”, D.Zhang, Y. Cao, Q. Ouyang, Y. Tu, Nature Physics, (2019) doi:10.1038/s41567-019-0701-7.

2.  “Optimal compressed sensing strategies for an array of nonlinear olfactory receptor neurons with and without spontaneous activity”, S. Qin, Q. Li, C. Tang, Y. Tu, PNAS, 116(41), 20286-20295 (2019).

3.  “The escape band in Escherichiacoli chemotaxis in opposing attractant and nutrient gradients”, X.Zhang, G. Si, Y. Dong, K. Chen, Q. Ouyang, C. Luo, Y. Tu, PNAS, 2019.

4.  “Adaptation in LivingSystems”, Yuhai Tu and Wouter-Jan Rappel, Annu. Rev. Condens. MatterPhys. 2018.9:183-205, 2018.

5.  “Information Processing in Bacteria: Memory, Computation, and Statistical Physics: A Key IssuesReview”, Ganhui Lan, Yuhai Tu, Reports on Progress in Physics, 79(5), pp. 52601-52617, 2016.

6.  “The free-energy cost of accurate biochemical oscillations”, Yuansheng Cao, Hongli Wang, Qi Ouyang, and Yuhai Tu, Nature Physics, 11, 772, 2015.

7.  “Discovery of Novel Chemoeffectors and Rational Design of E. coli Chemoreceptor Specificity”, S. Bi, D.Yu, G. Si, C. Luo, T. Li, Q. Ouyang, V. Jakovljevic, V. Sourjik, Yuhai Tu, and L. Lai, Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. USA (PNAS), 2013, doi:10.1073/pnas.1306811110.

8.  “Quantitative Modeling of BacterialChemotaxis: Signal Amplification and Accurate Adaptation”, Yuhai Tu, Annu.Rev. Biophys. 2013. 42: 337-59.

9.  “A Pathway-basedMean-field Model for Escherichia coli Chemotaxis”, G. Si, T. Wu, Q. Ouyang, Yuhai Tu, Phys. Rev. Lett. (PRL), 109,048101-048105, 2012.

10.  “The energy-speed-accuracy trade-off in sensory adaptation”, G. Lan, P. Sartori, S. Neumann, V. Sourjik, and Yuhai Tu, Nature Physics 8, 422–428, 2012.

11.  “Dynamics of the bacterial flagellar motor with multiple stators”, G. Meacci and Yuhai Tu, PNAS, 106(10), 3746-3751 (2009).

12.  “Modeling the chemotactic response of E. coli to time-varying stimuli”, Y. Tu, T. S. Shimizu and H. Berg, PNAS, 105(39), 14855-14860 (2008).

13.  “The nonequilibrium mechanism for a biological switch: Sensing by Maxwell’s demons”, Y. Tu, PNAS, 105(33), 11737-11741 (2008).

14.  “Effects of adaptation in maintaining high sensitivity over a wide range of backgrounds for E. coli chemotaxis”, B. Mello and Y. Tu, Biophysical Journals, 92(4), 2329-2337 (2007).

15.  “How white noise generates power-law switching in bacterial motors”, Y. Tu and G. Grinstein, PRL, 94, 208101(2005)