题 目: 新方法发现人类在93万年前几乎灭绝
报告人: 李海鹏 研究员
时 间: 10月9日(周一)13:00-14:00
地 点: 吕志和楼B101
主持人: 韩敬东 教授
摘 要:
Population size history is essential for studying human evolution. However, ancient population size history during the Pleistocene is notoriously difficult to unravel. In this study, we developed a fast infinitesimal time coalescent process (FitCoal) to circumvent this difficulty and calculated the composite likelihood for present day human genomic sequences of 3,154 individuals. Results showed that human ancestors went through a severe population bottleneck with about 1,280 breeding individuals between around 930,000 and 813,000 years ago. The bottleneck lasted for about 117,000 years and brought human ancestors close to extinction. This bottleneck is congruent with a substantial chronological gap in the available African fossil record. Our results provide new insights into our ancestry and suggest a coincident speciation event.
Hu, Wangjie, et al. "Genomic inference of a severe human bottleneck during the Early to Middle Pleistocene transition." Science 381.6661 (2023): 979-984.
李海鹏为中科院上海营养健康所研究员,致力于发展进化生物学新理论和计算生物学新方法,从数学和计算的视角解析与基础研究、社会生活相关的重要生物学问题,发表SCI论文70余篇。为中国营养学会营养与组学技术分会副主任委员、中国生物信息学会(筹)系统生物学专委会常委、Front Genet副主编及多个期刊编委。主要学术贡献为:创建采用全基因组数据估计群体进化历史后再检测正选择的校准型经典方法体系;创建从非平衡溯祖树检测正选择的理论体系;发现濒危脊椎动物群体数量在一个世纪内下降了约95%;发展正选择检测新方法,精准定位PAS1增强子,揭示PAS1-Lhx2对社会阶层形成的关键作用;将人工智能引入群体遗传学;建制化开发国产多组学综合分析软件eGPS;开发新冠病毒基因组浏览器;创立快速极小时间溯祖新理论,发现93万年前人类祖先几乎灭绝。