研究队伍 / Reseach Team

邵吉祺 (Jiqi Shao)

2022-05-13 16:22:33

博士生 Doctor

邮箱 / Mail Addressjiqishao at pku.edu.cn

所在单位 / Current Affiliation北京大学前沿交叉学科研究院

专业 / major生物

研究关键词 / Research Keywords

microbial cooperation and competition

研究介绍 / Research Introduction

Public good plays an essential role in microbial cooperation and competition. However, it seems to benefit cells other than the ones who produce them. Though factors like spatial structure partly explain the coexistence between non-producer and producer, coexistence in the well-mixed environment remains a question. Furthermore, it is interesting to explore  what non-producer functions other than impairing.

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