研究队伍 / Reseach Team

张璐 (Lu Zhang) (已出站)

2022-05-13 15:59:15

博后 Post-Doctor (已出站)

邮箱 / Mail Addressluer_bb at 163.com

所在单位 / Current Affiliation北京大学前沿交叉学科研究院

专业 / major整合生命科学(物理学)

研究关键词 / Research Keywords

Pattern formation, Gene regulation network

研究介绍 / Research Introduction

During embryonic development, cells with the identical genetic code acquire diverse gene-expression states in a highly robust manner. This complexity in cell states is essential in forming multicellularity. We want to understand how hundreds of cell types with identical genomes can co-exist stably in one organism and how all these types generate from one embryonic stem cell.

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