研究队伍 / Reseach Team

周小琳 (Xiaolin Zhou)

2022-05-13 17:34:03

博士生 Doctor

邮箱 / Mail Addresszhouxl20 at mails.tsinghua.edu.cn

所在单位 / Current Affiliatio清华大学生命学院

专业 / major生命科学

研究关键词 / Research Keywords

cell fate decision, gene regulatory network, bioinformatics

研究概述 / Research Overview


How multicellular organisms develop from a single cell and form specific structures through development. I focus on the self-organization in multicellular organisms and aim to use mathematical models to explore the generation of order.

研究介绍 / Research Introduction

Cells made up to an organism share the same set of genetic information, but can take on different forms and perform different functions. The selective expression of gene is the driving force of this phenomenon, and the gene regulatory network is extremely precise. In order to better understand how gene interactions can direct cell differentiation, we construct gene regulatory network based on the existing experimental facts and data to simulate, explain the characteristics and features of cell fate division process.

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